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[Special EffectsSegmentation-by-Wavelet

Description: 使用小波进行图象分割的一个实例,效果还可以-using wavelet image segmentation an example, the effect can also
Platform: | Size: 64512 | Author: 唐盛 | Hits:

[Special EffectsSegmentation

Description: 医学图象分割软件,使用了基于Min-Cut/Max-Flow开元方程库(可在http://www.adastral.ucl.ac.uk/~vladkolm/software.html下载最新版本) 做分割判断, 并使用cimg库读取dcm图片. 本部分源码只负责切出轮廓, 轮廓将在openGL端中输出. -Medical image segmentation software, the use of equations based on the Kaiyuan Min-Cut/Max-Flow library (available at http://www.adastral.ucl.ac.uk/ ~ vladkolm/software.html download the latest version) to do partition to judge, and use the library to read CIMG DCM picture. The source code is only responsible for part of the contour cut, contour in openGL output side.
Platform: | Size: 166912 | Author: zhou | Hits:

[Special EffectsImage-segmentation-Extraction

Description: 一个车牌字符分割小程序,分割效率高。实现简单-A license plate character segmentation of small procedures, segmentation and high efficiency. Realize a simple
Platform: | Size: 65536 | Author: 长工 | Hits:

[Special Effectsimage-segmentation

Description: 介绍有关图像分割算法的文章,PDF文档的,水平集,贝叶斯等。-Image segmentation algorithm on the introduction of articles, PDF documents, level sets, such as Bayesian.
Platform: | Size: 1112064 | Author: duruoyu | Hits:

[Special EffectsImage-segmentation-Extraction

Description: 图像分割加特征提取的算法,一起分享,共同研究,共同进步-Add feature extraction image segmentation algorithms, along with sharing, joint research, and common progress
Platform: | Size: 55296 | Author: meimei | Hits:


Description: matlab 关于二值图像熵和交叉熵的计算程序,这一程序与结合其它方法对图像进行分割,作为一个判断标准.-matlab on the binary image entropy and cross entropy calculation procedure, which in combination with other methods and image segmentation, as a criterion.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 张永康 | Hits:

[Special Effectskmeans-image-segmentation

Description: K均值算法实现图像的分割,分割效果可以达到预期的效果-K-means algorithm to achieve image segmentation, segmentation results can be achieved the desired results
Platform: | Size: 47104 | Author: 赵少敏 | Hits:

[Graph programImage-segmentation-Extraction

Description: 车牌识别 MATLAB 字符分割 源代码 图像处理 -Image-segmentation-Extraction
Platform: | Size: 149504 | Author: guxuyuan | Hits:

[Graph programImage-segmentation-Extraction

Description: MATLAB图像分割提取算法源代码(示例车牌识别)-Extraction Algorithm for Image Segmentation MATLAB source code (sample license plate recognition)
Platform: | Size: 55296 | Author: 梦中人 | Hits:

[Special Effectskmeans-image-segmentation

Description: K-meansK均值聚类在无监督的情况下选择图像特征的算法-K-meansK means clustering in the case of unsupervised image feature selection algorithm
Platform: | Size: 46080 | Author: renli | Hits:

[Special Effectssegmentation

Description: 这是基于图论的图像分割源代码,效果很好,欢迎下载.-This is based on graph theory image segmentation source code, works well, welcome to download.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: zwl | Hits:

[Special EffectsImage-Segmentation

Description: 一个基于图形的高效图像分割算法,包括论文及相应的源代码。-This paper addresses the problem of segmenting an image into regions. We define a predicate for measuring the evidence for a boundary between two regions using a graph-based representation of the image. We then develop an efficient segmentation algorithm based on this predicate, and show that although this algorithm makes greedy decisions it produces segmentations that satisfy global properties. We apply the algorithm to image segmentation using two different kinds of local neighborhoods in constructing the graph, and illustrate the results with both real and synthetic images. The algorithm runs in time nearly linear in the number of graph edges and is also fast in practice. An important characteristic of the method is its ability to preserve detail in low-variability image regions while ignoring detail in high-variability regions
Platform: | Size: 455680 | Author: xudq | Hits:

[Special EffectsHSV-Space-segmentation(Training-and-Testing)

Description: 在HSV色彩空间进行彩色图像分割源码,包括学习和训练算法,获得分割参数-In the HSV color space for color image segmentation source code, including learning and training algorithm, access to segmentation parameters
Platform: | Size: 1593344 | Author: Brad Bibson | Hits:


Description: 这个matlab程序实现了目标对象的图像分割与提取技术,附件里的程序以车牌的检测与识别为例,效果非常好。-The matlab program to achieve the target object' s image segmentation and extraction technology, in the annex of the procedures for license plate detection and recognition, for example, the effect was very good.
Platform: | Size: 20480 | Author: 动荡 | Hits:

[Special EffectsKmeans-image-segmentation

Description: matlab图像分割实例,K均值用于图像分割,割调用库函数实现,带注释,简单易懂-matlab image segmentation examples, K means for image segmentation, cutting calls library functions, with comments, easy to understand
Platform: | Size: 2419712 | Author: 王银虎 | Hits:

[Special EffectsVB.Programming.design.code.image.segmentation

Description: VB编程开发分割图像设计程序代码VB Programming design code image segmentation -VB Programming design code image segmentation
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: ai | Hits:

[Special EffectsImage-Segmentation

Description: image segmentation introduction and various methods
Platform: | Size: 1402880 | Author: bhargav | Hits:

[Special EffectsFast-Image-Segmentation

Description: 台湾大学几位学者写的基于K-均值算法的快速图像分割,用到基于HSV颜色空间的直方图-Fast Image Segmentation Based on K-Means Clustering with Histograms in HSV Color Space
Platform: | Size: 586752 | Author: gaotengfei | Hits:

[Special EffectsRegion-growing-image-segmentation

Description: 对图像的区域生长进行分割,包括matlab程序和图像-Region growing image segmentation, including procedures and image matlab
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 安南 | Hits:

[OtherImage segmentation using Otsu thresholding

Description: Image segmentation using Otsu thresholding
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: moha81 | Hits:
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